Original Artwork: Squares

Original Artwork: Squares
Needlepoint Tapestry
Size 47cms x 47cms.
There have been several comments that this design has an eastern/Asian feel to it. That must have been in my subconscious! I started from the notion of squares, and it developed from squares within squares and so on! Areas are filled in with squares, or distorted squares, hence the lozenge/ diamond shapes. Only towards the outer border did I introduce the stars!
This design has been adapted for the smaller silk scarves in two colourways.
£250.00 (inc. shipping within the UK)
Reference: OAW-004
Finished size 47 x 47 cms.
The tapestry was started in lockdown and gave me immense peace and satisfaction. It has been used for 90cm square silk scarf TLSS-005 (red) and TLSS-007 (purple)
I used tent stitch for the entire design, using a soft embroidery cotton - “retours” which is dense and not shiny. The canvas was 12 to the inch mono canvas.
There is a small area of canvas around the design which allows for mounting, preferably with a mount, glass and frame. The art work is sold as is, no frame, mount or additional stitch work.